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Climbing Works International Festival 2015 – Megos and Coxsey in full crush mode
9th Mar '15
Around 350 competitors from across the globe converged on the Climbing Works over the weekend for the 9th International Festival; a festival that saw two of the world’s best boulderers – Shauna Coxsey and Alex Megos performing on what can only be described as ‘ another level’ to take the two titles.In Shauna's case, this was her fourth straight win at CWIF.
Dave MacLeod scores another first ascent on The Ben with High Pressure Crack (VIII, 9)
7th Mar '15
In what may prove to be one of the last major new routes climbed this winter in Scotland, David MacLeod, climbing with Masa Sakano, took advantage of the ridge of high pressure crossing the country on Wednesday last to climb High Pressure Crack (VIII, 9) on The Ben.
Perseverance pays off for Nick Bullock on classic Alpine icefalls
6th Mar '15
Continuing what seems to have become the ‘theme of the week’, we can report that perseverance has just paid off for Nick Bullock who has just ticked-off a long cherished personal dream. Climbing with Andy Houseman and Adam George respectively, Nick has recently repeated both Alpha Säule and Crack Baby - two classic alpine icefall’s - within the space of a few days.
James Thornton and Dom Bridgewood prevail at The Plantation and send The Ace and Careless Torque
4th Mar '15
In somewhat ‘changeable’ conditions, James Thornton and Dom Bridgewood had a storming day at the Stanage Plantation today sending The Ace (Font 8b) and Careless Torque (Font 8a) respectively.
Greg Boswell blasts Banana Wall (XII, 12) in Coire an Lochain
2nd Mar '15
Greg Boswell, climbing with Masa Sakano, has blasted Banana Wall (XII, 12) up the wildly overhanging central section on No. 4 Buttress in Corie an Lochain on February 25th to give the Northern Corries their hardest winter route yet.